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Choosing a Neighborhood

There are so many things to consider when choosing a neighborhood, and there are so many great neighborhoods in Washtenaw County! As the old adage goes, the three most important things in real estate are “location, location, and location!”

Here you will find information about school districts, crime statistics, commuting, walkability, noise, natural features, shopping and entertainment. You will also find more information on neighborhood regulations and restrictions, which can greatly influence one’s living experience. Learn more about where your preferences lie on several scales such as rural vs. urban, large vs. small neighborhoods, single-family homes vs condos, and more! There’s a perfect place here for everyone, and learning more here will help you find it.

Contact us for a no-obligation home buying consultation today. Our search tool allows you to refine by area, price, age, amenities, schools, and more. You can also search for homes by neighborhood here. Check out our always-updated list of upcoming open houses here! We’d be happy to help you find the best neighborhood in Ann Arbor or Washtenaw County to suit your needs!

Choosing a Neighborhood

Beware of Hidden Homeownership Costs

Purchasing a home is an exciting and memorable event, b...
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New Public Space at Broadway Park West

The Lowertown Riverfront Conservancy is...
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