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A Note from Andy: We Are Growing


Pursue your passion by knowing who you are.

We’re in hiring mode here at PiperPartners and we’re actively searching for talented individuals interested in growing with our team.

We believe that the purpose of a job is to fund a perfect life, so when we interview we want to know how real estate work would allow the candidate to achieve their life goals. In fact, when we hire people, we look for individuals who are busy and have big life plans, not just people who have experience selling houses or need a job.

Over the years, I have found that the most successful people I have worked with cite these reasons for their interest in working with us:

  1. I want more flexibility in my schedule so I can be with my family, pursue education, or grow my skills in my personal pursuits.
  2. I want to be in charge of my own destiny. I am fearful of getting laid off or fired and I can’t live like that. I need to plan for my future.
  3. I enjoy working with and helping people and see my work make a difference (both for clients and the team). I am energized by helping people be successful in their pursuits, making things run smooth, and achieving goals.
  4. I need creative work that is challenging and changing. I need work that allows me to grow and stay fresh. I need diversity in my work. Or, my current job is boring.
  5. I work hard and I want to be rewarded appropriately. I am great at sales and want open-ended income opportunity.

I think the common thread in all of these sentiments is that they speak to characteristics of people who are looking carefully at themselves to understand what they want in life. By doing so, they can find work that is energizing and rewarding.

Take a look at our Mission Statement and Core Values below, and you will see that much of what we do is devoted to self development. We believe the best people for our team and the best people to serve our clients are those who know what they want in life and use their work as a vehicle to get it.

I believe that by allowing our team members to grow, we are in the best position to serve ourselves, our families, our team, and our communities.


Our Mission: We improve lives by delivering 5-star real estate service with the highest levels of competence, trust, and integrity. We are known as connected, compassionate, and giving leaders in the communities we serve.


Our Core Values:

  1. When we help others, we help ourselves. Goodwill is contagious!
  2. Together we achieve more. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
  3. Integrity: Do the right thing.
  4. We learn, train, and practice daily because we are committed to greatness.
  5. Work hard to play hard, and be energized by both.
  6. Actively seek to understand our own and others’ struggles so that we can demonstrate compassion.
  7. Build and maintain open and honest relationships with communication and trust.
  8. We have a limitless mindset and know that every day there can be a revelation or new discovery.
  9. We actively identify and pursue our passions, and create the paths to our North Stars.
  10. We are committed to keeping our minds, bodies, and souls healthy

Contact Us


For immediate assistance, call us at 734-845-9700 or email Andy Piper at

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