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Add value to your home this fall – Plant a tree

Add Value to your home, plant a tree

Add Value to your home, plant a tree

Money does grow on trees! Trees boost your property value, save energy, and beautify your landscape and fall may be the best time to plant them.

The value of trees

It may not be easy to quantify the value of trees, however, there are many studies that support what we all intuitively know – that trees add beauty and value to our homes and everyday world.

The following are some articles statistics on just how important trees are in a community setting.

  • The net cooling effect of a young, healthy tree is equivalent to ten room-size air conditioners operating 20 hours a day. U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • A mature tree can often have an appraised value of between $1,000 and $10,000. Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers
    Having large trees in yards along streets increases a home’s value from 3 percent to 15 percent. Wolf, Kathleen L, Ph.D., University of Washington (2007) City Trees, and Property Values. Arborist News. 16, 4:34-36.
  • In Portland, Oregon, street trees increase the value of homes by a total of $1.1 billion, an average increase of $7,020 for each house. Donovan, G.H.; Butry, D.T. (2010). Trees in the City: Valuing Street Trees in Portland, Oregon. Landscape and Urban Planning 94:77-83.
  • One acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and puts out four tons of oxygen. This is enough to meet the annual needs of 18 people. U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • A tree that is part of a beautiful, well-kept landscape, it can increase your home value by 6 to 11 percent, found Michigan State University.
  • A tree in front of a house increases the home’s sales price by an average of $7,130, according to the PNW Research Station (pdf).

These are just a few of the studies out there that support the view that trees add value to your home and your community.

Benefits of Fall Planting

It’s not too late to plant a tree this fall! One of the most common misconceptions of fall planting is that it is too cold to plant in the late fall. In reality, fall planting is preferred in many areas because it gives seedlings more time to establish their root systems and acclimate to the warm weather in the spring and summer.

Trees go dormant in the winter, the equivalent of hibernation. This “sleep” state slows down the tree’s growth, energy consumption, and metabolism. It’s safe to plant trees until the ground is frozen solid, generally after the first hard frost. Even if there is snow on the ground, if you’re able to stick a spade into the soil, it’s still okay to plant. When trees are dormant, they shouldn’t require any extra care.

Even if there is snow on the ground, if you’re able to stick a spade into the soil, it’s still okay to plant. When trees are dormant, they shouldn’t require any extra care. Whether you’re deciding on a tree to plant in your yard or looking for more information about the ones you already have, the Tree guide is a wealth of information on height and spread, soil and sun requirements, leaves, history, wildlife habitat, and more.

Budgeting for tree care

Keep in mind, if you have a yard with mature trees, you will need to budget time or money for tree care. Trees leaning over a home need to be trimmed away from the home and deadwood removed. Large trees in the yard can also interfere with sewer lines and cause concrete panels to heave or crack.

If you are purchasing a home with large trees, you may want to have an arborist provide an estimate for tree care and identify trees that need immediate attention for consideration during negotiating a purchase offer. Removing a large tree can cost between $500 and $3,000 so it is important to be aware of this potential expense.

Don’t wait!

It’s human nature to put things off that don’t offer immediate gratification. Planting trees falls into that category as it will be years before the tree you plan today is a fully mature shade tree. Just keep in mind that time flies! While you may not reap the benefits of a 50-year-old oak in your yard you can enjoy watching the trees you plant grow over the years and enjoy and feel gratitude that you are adding value and beauty to your home and to your community.

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