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Why We Support Ozone House

Making A Difference In Washtenaw County

Donate to Ozone House’s Front Door Campaign via our secure donation link!

Piper Partners Core Values

The Piper Partners Real Estate team has a strong commitment to our core values, one of those being; “when we help others we help ourselves. Goodwill is contagious!” Giving with a grateful heart brings a feeling of gratitude and joy-filled contentment for having helped others that are in the midst of difficult, painful struggles. We do this without any expectation of reciprocation. It’s a fundamental truth

Our culture of giving also springs from the example set by Gary Keller and Keller Williams Realty International and through their culture and through the organization KW Cares.


Culture is the result of organizing the goals of a business around solid, positive, core values and then proceeding to cultivate them on a daily basis. Keller Williams Realty


KW vice-chairman Mo Anderson has always led with the mantra of helping people experience the higher purpose of business: caring, sharing, and giving. Keller Williams Realty created KW Cares in 2003 and this organization has given thousands of dollars to families of KW real estate agents in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti area in times of need. KW cares also has raised millions of dollars for communities, families, and individuals in need across the country.

Youth Homelessness in Washtenaw County

We understand that “home” means more than just a roof over someone’s head and protection from the elements. A home is a place of safety, security, and love. It is a place where we learn, grow, and make plans for our future.

Yet, there are many among us that do not have homes, and most shockingly there is nearly 1,300 homeless youth in Washtenaw County alone. These numbers contribute to the nearly 2.5 million homeless youth in America. These homeless youth are often fleeing mistreatment and abuse, are kicked out for becoming pregnant or being LGBTQ, or have aged out of the foster care system with nowhere to go and no support system to speak of. They are threatened by many dangers including physical and sexual abuse at rates of nearly 71%, early parenthood, PTSD, substance abuse, and high vulnerability of becoming a victim of human trafficking.

What Is Ozone House?


Ozone House was founded in 1969 in Ann Arbor in part as a response to the growing number of runaway youth migrating to “hip” towns following the Summer of Love of 1967. During this time, Ann Arbor was among the top 20 cities in the U.S. with a high influx of runaways.

The organization takes its name from Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen song, “Lost in the Ozone” owing to its roots as a drug-counseling program. They are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that works to “meet the needs of runaway, homeless, and high-risk youth and their families.”

What Do They Do?

Ozone House provides a variety of services in several locations, including a 24-hour youth crisis hotline, emergency youth shelter, transitional living programs, a drop-in center, and street outreach. They are a state-licensed Child Caring Institution and a Substance Abuse Prevention provider.

Ozone House has provided nearly 21,000 hours of life skills and job training, over 4,000 hours of professional counseling, provided refuge to over 800 youth, and are creating success stories every day through their culture of care and safety for every child that comes through their doors. They have a 97% success rate of students leaving their center and heading into safe and stable homes, whether that is out on there own or back with their families.

How Does Piper Partners Help Ozone House

While there are many community organizations worthy of support in Washtenaw County, we focus our efforts on one organization in order to make the biggest impact on their success. We do that by raising awareness of the needs that Ozone House serves and the work they do to support youth in our community. We also raise money. We make a donation on behalf of every client that we serve. While each donation is relatively small, through focused and consistent effort, they add up!

Ozone House’s FOREVER Home

Most recently Ozone House has started a new endeavor,  “FOREVER Home” that will consolidate and expand their facilities. Through their Front Door Campaign they are raising money to build a new campus with a 19,000 square foot facility that will include 12+ safe and private bedrooms, 7 private bathrooms, 17 private counseling rooms, 8 group training rooms and much more! The facility will also be ADA compliant and will have access to public transportation so the youth can make it to school and work each day.

The Front Door Campaign

Piper Partners is taking part in a matching campaign alongside Ozone House We will match every donation up to $1,250 with a goal of raising $2,500 by July 30th! Every cent counts and will contribute to helping better the lives of struggling youth in Washtenaw County.

If you feel that you can contribute please donate here via our secure donation link!

You can also reach out to Ozone House directly through their website:

We would love to hear from you if you have questions or ideas for raising money or building awareness for Ozone house. Give us a call at (734) 845-9700 or fill out the form below.


Contact Us


For immediate assistance, call us at 734-845-9700 or email Andy Piper at

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